Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Amazing tweets I got from "Gun Rights" activists! (Regarding Gun Control)

Yesterday I decided to put out a tweet about what I thought about people that feel like they have to carry guns everywhere that they went. Some of my fellow liberals that tweeted me said that I may have gone too far with my tweet, but it's my opinion and I was not going to back down to pressure from the right wing.
This was the original tweet that I sent out yesterday, which got "gun rights" activists angry at me, and maybe it was for a good reason I did call them "pussies" however the reason I did this honestly is because I wanted to get a reaction from these people and for them to show me their true colors and they did show me their true colors for sure. They called me names and tried to offend me even though they failed to offend me, here are some of those tweets.

These are some of the examples of what I was called through out the evening last night, I did not take any of their tweets seriously because these are the most foolish people in America. Now I want to show you the tweets that really just shocked me because of how stupid they are here are some examples.

I have to write about this tweet because anybody with half a brain knows that it's easier to kill someone with a gun compared to any other tool that is available currently. This person seriously suggested that it's easier to kill someone with kitchen tools compared with a firearm. I could not believe it when I read this tweet, I thought he was joking but I realized that he was serious. It's got to be either one or the other, either he's a really bad shot, or he's delusional and he needs to be on medication. According to Slate since the Newtown Conn. shootings 12,042 people have died around the country. According to this person that tweeted me it's easier to kill someone with a knife than with a gun, what a joke. This is the reason why these gun nuts can't be taken seriously because of their willful ignorance. He's smart enough to know that guns kill people a lot easier than anything else, however he loves his guns so much that he can't admit to himself that guns are the problem. (The date of the article was September 16, 2013, so there are many more people that died since that date which makes it even worse for these people that argue to me that Kitchen cabinets contents.) Now I'm going to post a few more tweets that I got that I found to be interesting.

My final thoughts are that these people are lack empathy and they do not care about their fellow man, and there is plenty of willful ignorance going around as well. Whether these people that tweeted me last night like it or not there is a major gun problem in the United States and we need to do something about it. Then someone from Australia tweeted me last night and he told me that Australia banned guns about fifteen years ago after a mass shooting that took place there. Here's the tweet that I'm talking about.

Is this realistic here in America? I don't think so, but that does not mean we should not try. What's more realistic is passing a assault weapons ban and increase spending on mental health and make it more difficult for people to guy and possess weapons. I also noticed a lot of fear from these people, it seems to me like they are scared of their own shadow, and it also seems like they can't wait to use their weapons and that is what scares me the most, some of the people that tweeted me last night could use the guns that they have on other people and more people will die. So my final question is how many more people have to die before we as a nation want to do something about our national shame? As long as we don't do anything about our gun deaths in this country than we can't call ourselves America the Beautiful anymore, our country is drenched in the blood of the innocent.


Slate Peice:

Friday, July 4, 2014

Why I can't celebrate on this Fourth of July

The Market Isn't 'Free' if the Refs Consistently Rule for One SideWow has it been four months since I last wrote a post? It's been too long, anyway I hope that everyone has a very happy 4th of July. However I personally don't have many reasons to celebrate our country today. I know that maybe Blasphemy to the right wing in this country that celebrate the fourth of July no matter what's going on in America. Today the United States has turned into the United Corporate States of America, our government is totally owned by muliti-national corporations and we the people of this country are sitting around wondering what's going to happen next on "American Idol". Some of the serious issues facing this country is that the Supreme Court is giving away all of the people's rights in order to give them to corporations. This Supreme Court has according to AF:L-CIO the Roberts Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Chamber of Commerce 72% of the time, as you can see on the chart on the right. Why would I celebrate a holiday that honors America, when one of her institutions is actively screwing over the American people?

Presidents PakistanThe American government has since the Bush years been killing millions of people overseas with their drone strikes and not telling us why they are doing this and who have they killed. Keeping secrets from the American people who employ the people in the government by the way is unacceptable and Anti American and possibly treasonous. For the record I do understand that the American government has to keep certain things secret from it's people but secrets that are embarrassing to the government can't be hidden under the guise of "national security" According to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism since January of 2014 President Obama has killed more than 2,400 people under his drone program in the middle east. As you can see on this chart on your top left. Look I'm not saying that all of the people that are killed under this drone program are innocent, however America is not supposed to kill people without giving a suspected terrorist a trial and convict him, to me most Americans have forgotten this important ideal.

There are many other reasons why I can't celebrate the fourth of July today, if I go on and on I'll be writing all night long, however I will list one more reason the anti-immigrant protests in Murrieta. They are protesting those poor kids that are coming across the border like these kids are the problem in this country. Those kids deserve a chance to stay in America. That's the whole point of this once great country. These "Americans" never read what it says on the Statue of Liberty. We are supposed to be a great country that accepts anyone and everyone to give them a second chance. Instead we got a group of people that only care about themselves and their perceived interests. So these are my thoughts on this fourth of July I do not want to be a party pooper but I just needed to get this off my chest.

Links to my sources:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why Hillary Clinton should not be the first female President of the United States

It's been a while since I posted in this blog but now I feel it's time to post on here because last night I got into a pretty interesting debate on Twitter with some liberals and honestly this debate got on my nerves. The reason why is because I felt like these liberals were not thinking and they were blindly supporting Hillary Clinton. I will be perfectly honest I've never been a fan of Hillary Clinton and I did not support her in the 2008 primaries I supported Barack Obama. First of all I must clarify that I'm not a sexist I'm a firm believer in women's rights and if Elizabeth Warren decides to run for President in 2016 I would support her in a heartbeat. My main issue with Hillary Clinton is that she is not a liberal she is a moderate maybe even a conservative democrat. I made this point on Twitter last night and I got attacked by fellow liberals and honestly it got to the point where I felt like I was debating right wingers, the reason why is because it felt like they were blindly supporting Clinton without looking at all of the facts. When I get attacked I normally have thick skin and I don't let it get it me, however what happened last night was different because it was fellow liberals that were name calling me and it honestly shocked me and honestly made me mad. I've calmed down from last night and I'm over it. I also believe if Clinton does run in '16 she is going to struggle in the primaries and the reason why is because she is not a liberal and it hurt her in '08 Obama ran to the left of Clinton and that's how he won the primary and he became President.

Now let's move on recent events regarding Clinton and her involvement with Goldman Sachs. At the end of last year Clinton took approx. $400,000 dollars for two speeches from Goldman Sachs. That's a lot of money for just a couple of speeches and the last time I check she does not any experience on running a big bank like Goldman Sachs. In my opinion that $400,000 was a bribe from Goldman Sachs to Clinton personally just in case she decides to run for President in '16. I know this is strong language on my part but I call it as I see it. If she was a real liberal with principles she would've never taken the money from Goldman Sachs in order to suck up to the oligarchs. In order to prove my point I'm going to quote from a piece from "The Atlantic" called "Why Liberal Democrats Are Skeptical of Hillary Clinton, in One Paragraph" and I'm going to quote that paragraph because it's important.

"But Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, according to accounts offered by several attendees, declaring that the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish. Striking a soothing note on the global financial crisis, she told the audience, in effect: We all got into this mess together, and we’re all going to have to work together to get out of it. What the bankers heard her to say was just what they would hope for from a prospective presidential candidate: Beating up the finance industry isn’t going to improve the economy—it needs to stop. And indeed Goldman’s Jim O’Neill, the laconic Brit who heads the bank’s asset management division, introduced Clinton by saying how courageous she was for speaking at the bank. (Brave, perhaps, but also well-compensated: Clinton’s minimum fee for paid remarks is $200,000)."

In her speech Clinton acts like the big banks like Goldman Sachs are the victims in her speeches and that's patently false or at least disingenuous. The problem that I had with her speeches is that the crash of 2008 were the big banks fault and the government's as well for deregulating the banks and the deregulation that started with her husband President Bill Clinton back in 1999 right before he left office and continued with President Bush which lead to the 2008 wall street crash. 

Now to wrap this up I have some questions for the women and the liberals that are supporting Hillary Clinton for President in 2016. Why are you supporting her is it only because she is a woman and it's time to have the first female President? If Clinton was a real liberal would she taken $400,000 dollars from Goldman Sachs in order to suck up to them.  These are important questions to ask yourselves before 2016 and I hope that you are able to answer these questions honestly or else the little progress we've made on regulating the big banks will disappear once Hillary Clinton gets elected President. I do believe that it's time for a female President however I don't think that woman should be Hillary Clinton I'm just not convinced. 

Link to The Atlantic piece:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Republicans want to destroy our democracy!

Wow it's been months since I posted on this blog, I was going through a lot in the last three months. Now I'm feeling much better and I can't wait to start writing about conservative nonsense and there is plenty of nonsense that conservatives are pushing lately. I'm personally quite frustrated with conservatives and their insistence on trying to destroy the government and make sure that the government does not do anything at all. I've always wondered why they insist on doing that? If you follow me on Twitter and if you've read this blog over the last few months you will know that I used to be a Republican. I was trying to be a liberal republican which now I realize was a foolish move. However I could agree with some republican ideas, like people taking responsibility for their own actions and staying out of other countries business. I've always hated the idea of using our military to replace governments that we don't like. who the hell does American think it is doing that? Anyway I figured out pretty quickly that the republicans were lying and did that believe their own rhetoric.

Anyway back to the point of this post, people that run for office need to care about the country and the people of this country. Republicans don't give a damn about this country or the people. What they care about is corporations and tax cuts and deregulation of those same corporations. The Republicans are heartless assholes and I can never be a republican or support a political party that just cares about corporations and the most wealthy people of this country and the rest of us can go to hell. That's not right, that's not justice, that's just infuriating. Why do Republicans insist on hating our government and our way of life? I'll never understand it, but I'll give my theory. Simply put the Republican party is dying a slow and horrible death, and they know it, there ideas are failing with the American people. Their ideas are the same ideas they had thirty years ago. Tax cuts and deregulation. That's all they know and they don't want to have any new ideas. I've had enough of that nonsense it's time to vote these bums out once and for all, and whatever we do we can't vote these bums back into office because the same thing will happen again. Republicans hate our way of life and our country!

Friday, November 1, 2013

"Signature Strikes" are a terrible idea!

I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween, I personally don't celebrate Halloween but I do love candy corn. I know that it's been a while since I wrote a real long blog post it's because of college and me currently looking for employment as well which does not give me much time to write blog posts. I know that people miss reading my blog posts and I appreciate that. Now I'm going to write about the drone strikes in northern Pakistan for the last few years under President Obama. For the record I did vote for President Obama however I never agreed with the drone strike policy in Pakistan. There are plenty of reasons why I don't agree with President Obama especially when it comes to the "signature strikes" if you don't know what "signature strikes" are it's basically a drone strike that the government has no idea who it's hitting instead we are guessing that they are terrorists but they are not sure and most of the people that are killed are civilians in Pakistan. The main reason why I don't agree with the drone strikes in Pakistan or anywhere in the world is because they are counter productive to our interests in the region. Our government claims that they are fighting terrorists with these drone strikes, but instead we are creating more hatred for the United States in the middle east and those people could possibly become terrorist themselves even though that's what the drone strikes are supposed to prevent.

My question is since when the United States government became the terrorists? Our government has been terrorizing these people in Pakistan and we are not killing any terrorists anyway so what is the point of these drone strikes? What's worse is that it's President Obama that has continued President Bush's policy of "signature strikes" in order to fight terrorism and almost all of the Bush polices did not make us safer instead it created more problems for the United States in the middle east and President Obama is continuing Bush policies and to me the drone strike issue is where I'm most disappointed in President Obama. The reason why I'm disappointed is because I expected so much more leadership from President Obama and instead what we got is a man that not only continued Bush policies but expanded them as well and that must be the "change that we can believe in" that Obama was talking about just disappointed.

Now if I was in charge what would I do? Well I would not authorize any drone strikes at all. The reason why is because we are supposed to be better than that and the United States does not kill people just because they look like terrorists, we are supposed to be 100% sure and then once we are sure than we can take action like arresting them and charging them and taking them to trial. That's the American way and we can't be cowards and get away from that just because of the possibility of another terrorist attack on American soil. It's time to get back to our way of life and being fair to pontental suspects around the world no matter what. That's what made us better than everyone else and we lost that standing now because of the polices of President's Obama and Bush and that's disappointing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hillary Clinton would be a horrible candidate in 2016

I know that it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote my last blog post but currently I'm taking two classes this semester and I'm also looking for a job so writing blog posts is something that I've just not have time to do. The government shutdown is over and now we have moved on to other issues. However that's not the reason why I'm writing this blog post tonight. The question that I had on my mind recently is who is going to run for president on the democratic side in 2016. I know that 2016 is still three years away but it's something that progressives need to think about because honestly we can't run Hillary Clinton because in my personal opinion she would be a horrible candidate for us in 2016. The reason why I make this point is after eight years of President Obama we can't afford to have someone that would be running for President Obama's third term. For the record I have nothing against Hillary Clinton but when 2016 does roll around I don't think that she would not be a strong candidate for President because she is a establishment candidate and she would be funded by the bankers and the top one percent to do their bidding, and what we need in 2016 is a true progressive. One example I can name is Elizabeth Warren, she is a true progressive and I believe that she would regulate wall street and make sure that the top one percent pay their fair share of taxes as some examples. I understand that a lot of people are Hillary supporters, I want my readers to understand that she would not be the best candidate for president. This is just my opinion.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How Can we End GOP Manufactured Crisis

Today is the eighth day of the government shutdown caused by the tea party republicans and now even the quote moderate republicans now are siding with the tea party and they want to defund the Affordable Care Act in order to fund the government and to raise the debt ceiling. So why are the republicans doing this? The reason why is because the first time the republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling in 2011 President Obama gave in a negotiated with them. That was a big mistake by the president, if he did not negotiate with the republicans back in 2011 then they would not be doing this now in 2013. All of the republicans are expecting President Obama and the Democrats are going to give in and give them something in exchange for opening the government and raising the debt ceiling. If the Democrats give in now, then every time the debt ceiling needs to be raised, the republicans will want something for doing their jobs and the Democrats and the President can't allow that for the sake of the country.

Now the question must be what can President Obama do to end the republican manufactured crisis? The debt ceiling is easy, all the President has to do is invoke the 14th amendment and order to treasury department to continue to pay our debts the way that they've always have. Section four of the 14th amendment states as follows,"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void." With the republican party's threat of not raising the debt ceiling they are questioning the debt of the United States and the President should be able order the treasury to continue to pay the debts of the United States no matter what the republican party says. The President can't allow the republican party to insert fear into not only the American people but to the rest of the world he has to have a backbone and say no to the republican party America will always pay her bills no matter what.

Now to the issue of opening the government back up, that's much tougher because according to the Constitution, Congress has the power of the purse strings which means that only congress has the power to fund the government, which is why that President Obama can't be responsible for the government shutdown because the executive branch of the government can't fund the government that's up to Congress and they've failed to do that so it's the republicans fault not President Obama. The question is what can President Obama do about the budget? Unfortunately not much the Republican party has the power of the purse, because ignorant Americans voted for the tea party republicans who had no interest in governing their interest is shutting down the government and to destroy the American government. The issue is that the founders never imagined that one day in the far future that there would be a political party that would be willing to hold the American people hostage in order to get what they want from the political party in power. To me what the republican party is doing is the most Anti-American thing that any political party has ever done in America's history.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and maybe it's time to arrest certain republican members of the house and charge them with treason. I know that this will lead to a shit storm but this is the only way that I can see that we can't get the government functioning again and as a nation we can't wait until 2014 in order to vote out the republican party. However this suggestion would be a last resort to me because if anybody does this then it would set a dangerous precedent and if a president does not agree with any congress they can arrest them for treason so in my opinion this would be the nuclear option, but it maybe time for the president to use it because the republicans in the house will not budge from there current position. The Republicans need to be scared straight and the only way that I can see that happening is that the President arrests some of the republican leaders of the house and maybe just maybe that scares them straight.