Hello potential reader you have stumbled upon the blog of The Progressive Warrior. I'm a 27 year old college student and I major in law and politics and I eventually want to go to law school. I am a proud progressive and I'm not going to back down from any of my views. I welcome debate I just want my blog postings to ignite thoughtful debate. "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Hillary Clinton would be a horrible candidate in 2016
I know that it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote my last blog post but currently I'm taking two classes this semester and I'm also looking for a job so writing blog posts is something that I've just not have time to do. The government shutdown is over and now we have moved on to other issues. However that's not the reason why I'm writing this blog post tonight. The question that I had on my mind recently is who is going to run for president on the democratic side in 2016. I know that 2016 is still three years away but it's something that progressives need to think about because honestly we can't run Hillary Clinton because in my personal opinion she would be a horrible candidate for us in 2016. The reason why I make this point is after eight years of President Obama we can't afford to have someone that would be running for President Obama's third term. For the record I have nothing against Hillary Clinton but when 2016 does roll around I don't think that she would not be a strong candidate for President because she is a establishment candidate and she would be funded by the bankers and the top one percent to do their bidding, and what we need in 2016 is a true progressive. One example I can name is Elizabeth Warren, she is a true progressive and I believe that she would regulate wall street and make sure that the top one percent pay their fair share of taxes as some examples. I understand that a lot of people are Hillary supporters, I want my readers to understand that she would not be the best candidate for president. This is just my opinion.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
How Can we End GOP Manufactured Crisis
Today is the eighth day of the government shutdown caused by the tea party republicans and now even the quote moderate republicans now are siding with the tea party and they want to defund the Affordable Care Act in order to fund the government and to raise the debt ceiling. So why are the republicans doing this? The reason why is because the first time the republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling in 2011 President Obama gave in a negotiated with them. That was a big mistake by the president, if he did not negotiate with the republicans back in 2011 then they would not be doing this now in 2013. All of the republicans are expecting President Obama and the Democrats are going to give in and give them something in exchange for opening the government and raising the debt ceiling. If the Democrats give in now, then every time the debt ceiling needs to be raised, the republicans will want something for doing their jobs and the Democrats and the President can't allow that for the sake of the country.
Now the question must be what can President Obama do to end the republican manufactured crisis? The debt ceiling is easy, all the President has to do is invoke the 14th amendment and order to treasury department to continue to pay our debts the way that they've always have. Section four of the 14th amendment states as follows,"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void." With the republican party's threat of not raising the debt ceiling they are questioning the debt of the United States and the President should be able order the treasury to continue to pay the debts of the United States no matter what the republican party says. The President can't allow the republican party to insert fear into not only the American people but to the rest of the world he has to have a backbone and say no to the republican party America will always pay her bills no matter what.
Now to the issue of opening the government back up, that's much tougher because according to the Constitution, Congress has the power of the purse strings which means that only congress has the power to fund the government, which is why that President Obama can't be responsible for the government shutdown because the executive branch of the government can't fund the government that's up to Congress and they've failed to do that so it's the republicans fault not President Obama. The question is what can President Obama do about the budget? Unfortunately not much the Republican party has the power of the purse, because ignorant Americans voted for the tea party republicans who had no interest in governing their interest is shutting down the government and to destroy the American government. The issue is that the founders never imagined that one day in the far future that there would be a political party that would be willing to hold the American people hostage in order to get what they want from the political party in power. To me what the republican party is doing is the most Anti-American thing that any political party has ever done in America's history.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and maybe it's time to arrest certain republican members of the house and charge them with treason. I know that this will lead to a shit storm but this is the only way that I can see that we can't get the government functioning again and as a nation we can't wait until 2014 in order to vote out the republican party. However this suggestion would be a last resort to me because if anybody does this then it would set a dangerous precedent and if a president does not agree with any congress they can arrest them for treason so in my opinion this would be the nuclear option, but it maybe time for the president to use it because the republicans in the house will not budge from there current position. The Republicans need to be scared straight and the only way that I can see that happening is that the President arrests some of the republican leaders of the house and maybe just maybe that scares them straight.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Are we going to lose our representative democracy?
Today is the fifth day of the government shutdown which was caused by the far right in the republican party and the individual most responsible is Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and as we all know that Ted Cruz only did this to benefit himself for his presidential run in 2016, he does not give a damn about the tea party or the republican party all he cares about his himself. Now to the point of this post, I know that I don't usually write a blog post on Saturday's however I came across a piece in the New Yorker it was called "The Shutdown Prophet" I recommend that everyone reads this and that piece got me thinking a scary thought, what happens if or when we lose our representative democracy? The United States has always been called "The Great Experiment" and throughout history we've seen representative democracy fail time and time again and my hope that the United States representative democracy does not fail and we can continue with the "The Great Experiment" the reason why I'm concerned that we are going to lose our representative democracy is because we have a minority in the republican party holding up the government in order to get what it wants, damn the election results from last year the tea party will do whatever it takes to get what they want. If the Tea Party are still in Washington after the 2014 elections then look out because what the Tea Party is doing is unsustainable. The representative democracy will fall because they Tea Party will shutdown the government every change that they will get and they don't give a damn about the American people.
Some writers have said that we in America must go to a direct democracy system. I honestly laughed when I read that, and the reason why is because most Americans are not smart enough to figure out what's in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) how in the hell will these Americans figure out what the Codex Alimentarius is or what is a Nuclear proliferation treaty, these are a couple of examples. With all of the propaganda that Fox News foments there is no way that most Americans will figure out what's true and what's not true. To be quite frank most Americans are too dumb to allow America to become a direct democracy we need representatives that are theoretically smart enough to run our country, if Americans keep voting for the Tea Party I'm not so sure that our representative democracy will last. I hope to God that our representative democracy falls because if that horrible event does happen then I don't know what will become of America. Not just progressives but Americans in general need to vote for sensible leaders and not for people like the tea party republicans who will hold the government hostage in order to get what they want. Vote the Tea Party Out in 2014!
Some writers have said that we in America must go to a direct democracy system. I honestly laughed when I read that, and the reason why is because most Americans are not smart enough to figure out what's in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) how in the hell will these Americans figure out what the Codex Alimentarius is or what is a Nuclear proliferation treaty, these are a couple of examples. With all of the propaganda that Fox News foments there is no way that most Americans will figure out what's true and what's not true. To be quite frank most Americans are too dumb to allow America to become a direct democracy we need representatives that are theoretically smart enough to run our country, if Americans keep voting for the Tea Party I'm not so sure that our representative democracy will last. I hope to God that our representative democracy falls because if that horrible event does happen then I don't know what will become of America. Not just progressives but Americans in general need to vote for sensible leaders and not for people like the tea party republicans who will hold the government hostage in order to get what they want. Vote the Tea Party Out in 2014!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Austerity Measures do not work!
Today is the fourth day of the government shutdown and the republicans show no signs of passing the Continuing Resolution in order to fund the government and get everyone back to work. How long will this Republican government shutdown will last? I honestly don't know, because the republicans party is so insane that no one knows how long the republicans will try and hold out and get Democrats to compromise on the Affordable Care Act. First of all Mr. Boehner we had an election just last year where all of the Republicans campaigned on repealing the Affordable Care Act "Repeal and Replace" the Republicans kept saying through out the Presidential campaign last year and guess what Mr. Boehner President Obama won reelection which means the Affordable Care Act is here to stay. The Republicans claim that the Democrats won't negotiate on the budget or on the Affordable Care Act and if you've been paying any attention to what's been going on in Washington DC, you know that the Democrats have given in on negotiations with the republicans over and over again. To the point where the continuing resolution that the Senate passed was for a total of $988 billion dollars. Which is an amazing figure because that number is less than Paul Ryan's original budget for 2014 which was 1.086 trillion dollar budget. So once again the Senate Democrats have conceded to the republicans but it's not enough for the republicans instead they want more and more from the Democrats and to me that pathetic. The Democrats should stop giving in to the Republicans, because things will get worse and worse for America.
I'm sure that there are some people who are going to ask me at some point okay what would you do if I was in power? If I was the President of the United States I would have never given in to the Republicans on the debt ceiling the first time that they threated to default of the debt of the United States, and I would have ut political pressure on the republicans in order to get them to pass a progressive budget that I want. How would I put the political pressure on the republicans you might ask? Well I would into the districts of congressmen Boehner, Cantor, Ryan and explain to the people why my progressive budget will work not only for the people that voted for me, but for them as well. I'm not that will totally work but at least I fought for what I believe in. That's another thing that makes me mad why would the Democrats agree to regressive cuts to the government when we need to government to spend more money in order to fix our deteriorating infrastructure, spend more money on social programs like SNAP and WIC and Social Security Medicaid, Medicare. The austerity measures that we have imposed on ourselves has been disastrous for our economy and it's not going to get any better as long as the Democrats keep giving into the Republican party.
So what do you think of my policy ideas? I think my idea would work but these are my ideas of course so I'm biased in my favor. The President needs to fight for that progressive budget that Americans truly need
I'm sure that there are some people who are going to ask me at some point okay what would you do if I was in power? If I was the President of the United States I would have never given in to the Republicans on the debt ceiling the first time that they threated to default of the debt of the United States, and I would have ut political pressure on the republicans in order to get them to pass a progressive budget that I want. How would I put the political pressure on the republicans you might ask? Well I would into the districts of congressmen Boehner, Cantor, Ryan and explain to the people why my progressive budget will work not only for the people that voted for me, but for them as well. I'm not that will totally work but at least I fought for what I believe in. That's another thing that makes me mad why would the Democrats agree to regressive cuts to the government when we need to government to spend more money in order to fix our deteriorating infrastructure, spend more money on social programs like SNAP and WIC and Social Security Medicaid, Medicare. The austerity measures that we have imposed on ourselves has been disastrous for our economy and it's not going to get any better as long as the Democrats keep giving into the Republican party.
So what do you think of my policy ideas? I think my idea would work but these are my ideas of course so I'm biased in my favor. The President needs to fight for that progressive budget that Americans truly need
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Poorest American's don't get Medicaid! (Rant Post)
WTF? Wow just open the government back up GOP! |
Every American deserves health insurance! |
I'm not sure whether race is a factor or not in the reasoning why these southern states are rejecting the Medicaid expansion, part of me thinks so, however I will give them the benefit of the doubt. In Mississippi a large percentage of their people are already on Medicaid which is the reasoning the Republicans have in why they reject Medicare expansion and they do not want to pay for the 10% of the expansion after 2016. Really? They can't pay the 10% after 2016? Why? Because the rich in the south need more tax cuts? If that's the case that's an outrage because these people still need insurance and no matter what they deserve respect and these conservative republicans do not respect these poor people because if they did they would take the money for the expansion and they would make sure that those poor people were covered under Medicaid. “Any additional cost in Medicaid is going to be too much,” said State Senator Chris McDaniel, a Republican, who opposes expansion." I don't know this man but I bet that he's against any tax increases on the wealthy and corporations in order to pay for the expansion. If you can tell from the tone of this post I'm disgusted by these republicans that are rejecting Medicaid expansion and letting their poor people go without any health insurance, yes I'm damned disgusted.

Postscript: Yes I was very made when I wrote this blog post today and I don't regret anything that I wrote here, thanks for reading and let me know what you think. Now back to the government shutdown, I saw a couple of more covers from the New York Daily News and Time Magazine which I loved and I will post here.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Why Heath Care Must be a Right not a Privilege!
I've tired to sign up and I keep getting this screen damn it! |
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) |
Corporate Media Fails Again! |
PS: I know that this post for today was very long and I'm sorry for that but I'm passionate about this issue and I truly believe in everything I said here. Now back to the government Shutdown, I came across the cover page from the New York Daily News which I loved and I'm going to post the picture here because I love the NY Daily News putting the blame for the Shutdown on John Boehner and the cover page and brilliant in my opinion check it out down below.
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