Hello to all of my readers I hope that everyone has a great weekend. I had a great weekend hanging out with my nephew. However my nephew went back to his mother my sister, and now it's back to writing my blog posts. Today I have to write about the Republican party and how they don't care about Latinos. The reason why I have to write about this is because I'm a proud Latino (Both of my parents were born and raised in Puerto Rico and I'm in the first generation in my father's side of the family to be born in the Untied States) and I can't ever vote or support a political party (Republicans) that will vote against the interests of my people and uses my people in order to foment hate and to get people to vote in their favor because of that hatred. I can't believe that any Hispanic can vote or support the Republican party when they hate immigrants and purposely put in policy that discriminates against Hispanics. I will list examples later in this post. For now I want to talk about the asinine attempts that the Republican party has made to try and "connect" with the Latino Community. I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen or at least have heard of this video.

This is the video that the republicans released earlier in the month talking about how awesome we Latinos are. However in this video that the Republicans put out there are no mentions of any policy changes that they are going to make in order to protect the interests of Latinos or talked about any meaningful immigration reform,. Instead all we got was some nice words and a couple of Latinos that are Republicans and uncle toms talking about how awesome the Republican party is to Latinos. Which most Latinos know which is a bunch of BS. The Republican party is nothing but a bunch of old white men that hate any change what so ever to the status quo. What do I mean by the status quo? Meaning that the Republicans want to keep things they way that they always were. The white man has all of the power while the minorities have none of the power and no say in the direction of the government and the country. Which is why the Republicans would discriminate against Latinos to make sure that we have no power or say in the voice of the government. Everything I said in this paragraph is not only apply to Latinos but also to black people and in my opinion the republican party's hatred for black people is worse than it is for Latinos, which is why black people must stand up to these racist assholes and not let them get their way. Now let's talk about the discrimination that Latinos suffer from the Republican party.

I could cite many examples of discrimination that Latinos suffer from the Republican party or conservatives. How about the anti-immigration law that Arizona passed called SB-1070 in 2010. One of the provisions of SB-1070 called for local law enforcement to check the papers of every person that looked like that they could be an illegal immigrant. Now any commons sense person can tell what's the problem with this? The problem is that most of the people that look like they can be illegal immigrants are Latinos, and that's the whole point of this law is to discriminate against Latinos. To me any type of discrimination is horrible and should not be done no matter the race of the person, I as a Latino felt discrimination and I hated it and I know how it feels and I want to make sure that no one ever feels what I felt. Maybe some people may think that I care too much, but I still care about my fellow American, we are a team and it's time we come together and fight against discrimination in America. We are supposed to be the melting pot meaning that no matter what race we are we are supposed to come together and make America work for the better. I still believe in that which is why I love this country. The Republican party does not believe in the essence of America, instead they want to discriminate against Latinos and Blacks and suppress our voice and our right to vote and these are the reason why I can't support or vote for the Republicans, and latinos that support or are republicans politicans are uncle toms and they should be ashamed of themsevles. The Republican party represents the rich and powerful and they do not give a damn about the interests of latinos or black people.
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