Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Amazing tweets I got from "Gun Rights" activists! (Regarding Gun Control)

Yesterday I decided to put out a tweet about what I thought about people that feel like they have to carry guns everywhere that they went. Some of my fellow liberals that tweeted me said that I may have gone too far with my tweet, but it's my opinion and I was not going to back down to pressure from the right wing.
This was the original tweet that I sent out yesterday, which got "gun rights" activists angry at me, and maybe it was for a good reason I did call them "pussies" however the reason I did this honestly is because I wanted to get a reaction from these people and for them to show me their true colors and they did show me their true colors for sure. They called me names and tried to offend me even though they failed to offend me, here are some of those tweets.

These are some of the examples of what I was called through out the evening last night, I did not take any of their tweets seriously because these are the most foolish people in America. Now I want to show you the tweets that really just shocked me because of how stupid they are here are some examples.

I have to write about this tweet because anybody with half a brain knows that it's easier to kill someone with a gun compared to any other tool that is available currently. This person seriously suggested that it's easier to kill someone with kitchen tools compared with a firearm. I could not believe it when I read this tweet, I thought he was joking but I realized that he was serious. It's got to be either one or the other, either he's a really bad shot, or he's delusional and he needs to be on medication. According to Slate since the Newtown Conn. shootings 12,042 people have died around the country. According to this person that tweeted me it's easier to kill someone with a knife than with a gun, what a joke. This is the reason why these gun nuts can't be taken seriously because of their willful ignorance. He's smart enough to know that guns kill people a lot easier than anything else, however he loves his guns so much that he can't admit to himself that guns are the problem. (The date of the article was September 16, 2013, so there are many more people that died since that date which makes it even worse for these people that argue to me that Kitchen cabinets contents.) Now I'm going to post a few more tweets that I got that I found to be interesting.

My final thoughts are that these people are lack empathy and they do not care about their fellow man, and there is plenty of willful ignorance going around as well. Whether these people that tweeted me last night like it or not there is a major gun problem in the United States and we need to do something about it. Then someone from Australia tweeted me last night and he told me that Australia banned guns about fifteen years ago after a mass shooting that took place there. Here's the tweet that I'm talking about.

Is this realistic here in America? I don't think so, but that does not mean we should not try. What's more realistic is passing a assault weapons ban and increase spending on mental health and make it more difficult for people to guy and possess weapons. I also noticed a lot of fear from these people, it seems to me like they are scared of their own shadow, and it also seems like they can't wait to use their weapons and that is what scares me the most, some of the people that tweeted me last night could use the guns that they have on other people and more people will die. So my final question is how many more people have to die before we as a nation want to do something about our national shame? As long as we don't do anything about our gun deaths in this country than we can't call ourselves America the Beautiful anymore, our country is drenched in the blood of the innocent.


Slate Peice:

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