Plato and Socrates |
It's almost the weekend and if you follow me on twitter (
@TheMadMan31686) then you know that last night I went on a epic rant against Republicans and conservatives calling them every name in the book. I will not back down from anything that I said, what I tweeted last night was my honest opinion. The reason why I realized that Conservatives or Tea Partiers however you want to refer to them are not dumb they are just ignorant is because I just got through reading Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" and I this story reminded me of my political life. The first election that I voted in was the 2004 Presidential election between John Kerry currently the Secretary of State vs. George W. Bush who was running for a second term as President of the United States. I was 18 years old and I just registered to vote in June of that year, at the time and I considered myself a Republican, yes I know that's shocking but the reason why I was a Republican is because I believed in their lie that they were the fiscal conservatives and they had the balanced budgets. Yeah I was young and I was foolish for believe in them. However I did not vote for George W. Bush I voted for John Kerry and the reason why I did that is because I thought that Bush was a moron and he had no business as President of the United States. I was a ignorant 18 year old kid and I did not know a damn thing about politics or how things worked in Washington DC.

Now if you've read the "Allegory of the Cave" you know what it's about and if you've had not read it I suggest that you read it because I don't want to go through the whole thing here but I'll go through the more relevant parts. I won't directly quote it but I'll paraphrase at the beginning of the story there is all of these prisoners and the cave is their whole lives and they see these shadows that preform for the prisoners, the prisoners are ignorant they think that the cave is the whole world and they do not know any better. Now I was one of these prisoners I believed in the conservative talking points and I believed in Fox News performances. I was a very ignorant person and it took a lot for me to believe in the truth.
Then one day I came across a clip of Keith Olbermann at the time I came across the clip he was on MSNBC on the Internet and I was released from my shackles of ignorance and I left the cave, at first I did not believe in what the truth really was but after a while I realized that this was the truth and now I love the fact that I was released from my ignorance and I saw the light and I feel so welcomed by the other progressives and now I feel like I have to go back to the cave of ignorance where I came from and try to help these other conservatives to be released from their ignorance and even though I get nothing but hate from these conservatives part of me does not want to give up on them because I see hope in them, so to my conservative friends please come with me and let me lead you to the light.
PS: I know that I sound like a philosopher in this blog post but I thought that I would try my hand at being a philosopher so what do you think?
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