Sunday, September 8, 2013

Progressives need to stop cheerleading for President Obama and the Democrats

President Barack Obama
I know that this blog post will be controversial to some of my progressive friends some may agree and some may not agree at all, however I have to get this off my chest. The way how I evaluate a decision that President Obama makes is if I agree with the President I will defend what the President wants to do as a example of the is the Affordable Care Act or better known as "Obamacare" however if I disagree with the President, I will not cheer lead his decision, instead I will talk about why I think his decision is wrong for the nation. I think as a American that I am that is the fundamental that we not agree with everything that the President does or says. The President of the United States is not the Emperor of the King of the country. In my opinion it seems like most progressives will just agree with President Obama just because he's a Democrat or because he calls himself a progressive, and to me that is not the right thing to do, because it's time to admit to ourselves that Obama is not a progressive instead in my opinion he's a moderate republican.

The reason why I think that is because through out his entire presidency it seems that Obama is always trying to agree with the republicans on almost every issue. Even though I liked the Affordable Care Act some of the provisions are great for normal everyday Americans. However the mandate was originally an idea from the right wing think tank the heritage foundation and it was almost the exact proposal Mitt Romney passed in Massachusetts when he was the governor. Yesterday I commented on a story on the Huffington post website and I called President Obama a war monger. Maybe that statement went too far, however the point that I was trying to make is that part of the reason that Obama was elected is to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, however as soon as those wars are over he's now talking about bombing Syria, regardless what the administration says bombing another country is an act of war and can cause massive trouble for the country's image abroad (thanks to President George W. Bush our image has been destroyed with the rest of the world and Obama has not helped that image at all) Simply put President Obama has not helped the progressive cause at all instead he's taken the Republican ideas and turned them into progressive ideas which drives the Republican party farther and farther to the right and into oblivion (And that's a good thing in my opinion), and what bothers me is that most progressives not all though will cheer lead the president instead of standing out to him and saying no that's not what we voted for. Again this is just my opinion and the progressive movement needs to regain it's backbone once again and not cheer lead that does not help the country or help our cause.

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